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查看wenluderen的 主題 / 回貼
樓主  發表于: 2018-07-23 14:32
MX Component 使用控件通訊 就可以直接PLC內部地址的名字,不要在整個標簽。
標簽能了很久 還是不行。


感覺三菱每個可以通訊的硬件 都有一個對應的  控制可以使用

  • 下載積分:+5(木木2012) 感謝分享!
    級別: 工控俠客

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    查看不小心遇見你的 主題 / 回貼
    1樓  發表于: 2018-07-23 14:40
    級別: 略有小成
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    查看wenluderen的 主題 / 回貼
    2樓  發表于: 2018-07-23 14:46
    新建一個VB.net  ,窗口程序,在工具欄里面添加 控件

    級別: 略有小成
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    查看wenluderen的 主題 / 回貼
    3樓  發表于: 2018-07-23 15:00
    添加OPEN 和CLOSE函數

    #Region "打開鏈接"
        Private Sub btn_Open_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_Open.Click
            Dim iReturnCode As Integer              'Return code
            Dim iLogicalStationNumber As Integer    'LogicalStationNumber for ActUtlType


                If GetIntValue(txt_LogicalStationNumber, iLogicalStationNumber) = False Then
                    'If failed, this process is end.
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                AxActUtlType1.ActLogicalStationNumber = iLogicalStationNumber

                iReturnCode = AxActUtlType1.Open()

                If iReturnCode = 0 Then
                    'When the Open method is succeeded, disable the TextBox of 'LogocalStationNumber'.
                    txt_LogicalStationNumber.Enabled = False
                End If
            Catch exception As Exception
                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Exit Sub

            End Try
            txt_ReturnCode.Text = String.Format("0x{0:x8} [HEX]", iReturnCode)
        End Sub
    #End Region

    #Region "關閉鏈接"
        Private Sub btn_Close_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_Close.Click
            Dim iReturnCode As Integer     'Return code

                iReturnCode = AxActUtlType1.Close()
                If iReturnCode = 0 Then
                    txt_LogicalStationNumber.Enabled = True
                End If

            Catch exception As Exception
                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

            End Try
            txt_ReturnCode.Text = String.Format("0x{0:x8} [HEX]", iReturnCode)
        End Sub
    #End Region


    級別: 略有小成
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    查看wenluderen的 主題 / 回貼
    4樓  發表于: 2018-07-23 15:05

    #Region "隨機寫入 PLC里面的地址"
        Private Sub btn_ReadDeviceRandom2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_ReadDeviceRandom2.Click
            Dim iReturnCode As Integer              'Return code
            Dim szDeviceName As String = ""         'List data for 'DeviceName'
            Dim iNumberOfDeviceName As Integer = 0  'Data for 'DeviceSize'
            Dim sharrDeviceValue() As Short         'Data for 'DeviceValue'
            Dim szarrData() As String               'Array for 'Data'
            Dim iNumber As Integer                  'Loop counter

            'Displayed output data is cleared.

            'Get the list of 'DeviceName'.
            '  Join each line(StringType array) of 'DeviceName' by the separator '\n',
            '  and create a joined string data.
            szDeviceName = String.Join(vbLf, txt_DeviceNameRandom.Lines)

            If GetIntValue(txt_DeviceSizeRandom, iNumberOfDeviceName) = False Then
                'If failed, this process is end.
                Exit Sub
            End If

            ReDim sharrDeviceValue(iNumberOfDeviceName - 1)

                iReturnCode = AxActUtlType1.ReadDeviceRandom2(szDeviceName,  iNumberOfDeviceName, sharrDeviceValue(0))
            Catch exException As Exception
                MessageBox.Show(exException.Message, Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Exit Sub
            End Try
            txt_ReturnCode.Text = String.Format("0x{0:x8} [HEX]", iReturnCode)

            If iReturnCode = 0 Then

                'Assign the array for the read data.
                ReDim szarrData(iNumberOfDeviceName - 1)

                'Copy the read data to the 'lpszarrData'.
                For iNumber = 0 To iNumberOfDeviceName - 1
                    szarrData(iNumber) = sharrDeviceValue(iNumber).ToString()
                Next iNumber

                'Set the read data to the 'Data', and display it.
                txt_Data.Lines = szarrData
            End If

        End Sub

    #End Region

    級別: 略有小成
    精華主題: 0
    發帖數量: 186 個
    工控威望: 322 點
    下載積分: 6183 分
    在線時間: 43(小時)
    注冊時間: 2010-09-23
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    查看wenluderen的 主題 / 回貼
    5樓  發表于: 2018-07-23 15:09
    #Region "隨機寫入 PLC里面的地址"
        Private Sub btn_WriteDeviceRandom2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_WriteDeviceRandom2.Click

            Dim iReturnCode As Integer              'Return code
            Dim szDeviceName As String = ""         'List data for 'DeviceName'
            Dim iNumberOfDeviceName As Integer = 0  'Data for 'DeviceSize'
            Dim sharrDeviceValue() As Short         'Data for 'DeviceValue'

            'Displayed output data is cleared.

            'Get the list of 'DeviceName'.
            'Join each line(StringType array) of 'DeviceName' by the separator '\n',
            'and create a joined string data.
            szDeviceName = String.Join(vbLf, txt_DeviceNameRandom.Lines)

            'Check the 'DeviceSize'.(If succeeded, the value is gotten.)
            If GetIntValue(txt_DeviceSizeRandom, iNumberOfDeviceName) = False Then
                'If failed, this process is end.
                Exit Sub
            End If

            'Check the 'DeviceValue'.(If succeeded, the value is gotten.)
            ReDim sharrDeviceValue(iNumberOfDeviceName - 1)
            If GetShortArray(txt_DeviceDataRandom, sharrDeviceValue) = False Then
                'If failed, this process is end.
                Exit Sub
            End If

                iReturnCode = AxActUtlType1.WriteDeviceRandom2(szDeviceName, iNumberOfDeviceName, sharrDeviceValue(0))
            Catch exception As Exception

                MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Exit Sub

            End Try
            txt_ReturnCode.Text = String.Format("0x{0:x8} [HEX]", iReturnCode)

        End Sub
    #End Region

    級別: 略有小成
    精華主題: 0
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    工控威望: 322 點
    下載積分: 6183 分
    在線時間: 43(小時)
    注冊時間: 2010-09-23
    最后登錄: 2024-02-19
    查看wenluderen的 主題 / 回貼
    6樓  發表于: 2018-07-23 15:24
    #Region "測試成塊的數據讀取"
        Private Sub btn_ReadDeviceBlock2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_ReadDeviceBlock2.Click

          Dim iReturnCode As Integer              'Return code
            Dim szDeviceName As String = ""         'List data for 'DeviceName'
            Dim iNumberOfDeviceName As Integer = 0  'Data for 'DeviceSize'
            Dim sharrDeviceValue() As Short         'Data for 'DeviceValue'
            Dim szarrData() As String               'Array for 'Data'
            Dim iNumber As Integer                  'Loop counter

            'Displayed output data is cleared.

            'Get the list of 'DeviceName'.
            '  Join each line(StringType array) of 'DeviceName' by the separator '\n',
            '  and create a joined string data.
            szDeviceName = String.Join(vbLf, txt_DeviceNameBlock.Lines)

            'Check the 'DeviceSize'.(If succeeded, the value is gotten.)
            If GetIntValue(txt_DeviceSizeBlock, iNumberOfDeviceName) = False Then
                'If failed, this process is end.
                Exit Sub
            End If

            'Assign the array for 'DeviceValue'.
            ReDim sharrDeviceValue(iNumberOfDeviceName - 1)

                iReturnCode = AxActUtlType1.ReadDeviceBlock2(szDeviceName, iNumberOfDeviceName, sharrDeviceValue(0))
            Catch exException As Exception
                MessageBox.Show(exException.Message, Name, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                Exit Sub
            End Try

            txt_ReturnCode.Text = String.Format("0x{0:x8} [HEX]", iReturnCode)
            If iReturnCode = 0 Then

                'Assign array for the read data.
                ReDim szarrData(iNumberOfDeviceName - 1)

                'Copy the read data to the 'lpszarrData'.
                For iNumber = 0 To iNumberOfDeviceName - 1
                    szarrData(iNumber) = sharrDeviceValue(iNumber).ToString()
                Next iNumber

                'Set the read data to the 'Data', and display it.
                txt_Data.Lines = szarrData
            End If

        End Sub
    #End Region

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    查看不小心遇見你的 主題 / 回貼
    7樓  發表于: 2018-07-23 18:37
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    查看nlb2001的 主題 / 回貼
    8樓  發表于: 2018-08-03 11:19
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    9樓  發表于: 2018-08-09 10:57
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